Reimagine Church is striving to be a community for everyone, especially those without a home elsewhere; a beautiful collection of imperfect people, committed to loving each other daily. 

New Here? Start Here

  • We know that visiting a new church can often be intimidating, so don’t worry, we won’t ask you to raise your hand as our guest or do anything that will embarrass or single you out in any way.

    Our goal is to create a worship experience that is safe and meaningful. During the worship service you will have an opportunity to connect deeper to God through prayer, music, giving, and scripture.

  • Children of all ages are always welcome in worship.

    At the 9:00am traditional service we do not have children’s programming. Activity bags are available for families with children during the traditional service.

    We do have full-service, age-appropriate children’s ministry during the 10:30 modern service if you would like your child to participate.

    Pre-register Kids

  • Sundays

    • 9:00 am Traditional Worship

    • 10:30 am Modern Worship

    We are located at 1415 Londondale Parkway; Newark, Ohio 43055.

    Get directions

Welcome to Reimagine Church where everyone is empowered to serve. At Reimagine we believe that faith isn’t just something you live on Sundays—it drives your life. Our doors are open to anyone, wherever you’re at in your spiritual journey. Here, people matter, and every story is valued.

We’re committed to trying new things and breaking the mold of what church can be. Whether you’re coming back to church for the first time in years, looking for a fresh start, or simply curious, you’re welcome here. Bring your questions, your experiences, and your whole self—no dress code, no pressure. And don’t forget to have fun along the way!

On Sunday mornings, you can expect to find modern & traditional worship, a teaching that is both relevant and honest, and dynamic children’s ministry that helps kids learn that they are an important part of our church. 

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